Furniture Store Joomla Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 42

Created: Jun 11, 2014

Updated: Jun 11, 2014

ID: 49568

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People spend hours trying to discover a solid online store with stylish and durable home furniture. Give them a chance to find it in no time, present a welldone site with contemporary design frame ideal for showcasing products in elegant way and providing the ultimate information about the company. This section based layout, spruced by an engaging color scheme and marked with an intuitive navigation throughout, will differentiate your project among others and offer its visitors an invigorating site experience. To turn your website viewers into loyal clients, use this theme with strong visual appeal without compromising on functionality.

This template is a part of our 10 Best Joomla eCommerce Templates top collection.

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This Joomla design is Responsive

What is it?

This is basically the ability of the layout to change based on the width of the screen.

Why is it Good?

Mobile devices drive 80percentage of world cyberspace usage. It's crucial to create your internet page responsive if you don't desire to reduce your own target audience.

Browse for more Responsive Joomla designs here

This is aBootstrap Joomla design

What is it?

Bootstrap is actually a very popular framework, that makes the work with Web-page coding, Cascading stylesheet and JS much simpler. It had been built to be a tool to put together a responsive design, however eventually it incorporated lots of extra overall performance.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is a really helpful instrument and that is the valid reason it's very well-known. Using this framework, you will be able to create responsive design, suitable to any type of display size, prototype cutting edge layouts without the troubles and ensure your current internet page happens to be cross-browser compatible.

Find latest Bootstrap Joomla design templates here

This Joomla template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

Search Engine Friendly is the kind of web design that enables search engine bots to crawl and index its content.

Why is it Good?

Since clients trust search engines, therefore internet websites that appear in the top of search result raises the number of potential customers and generate large income.

Fresh Search Engine Friendly Joomla designs here


September 02, 2016- We updated the engine version to Joomla 3.4.8;

2 Reviews for this product

extra szablonik. polecam. bardzo dobrze zrobiony. świetnie responsywny
Именно на этом шаблоне остановился мой выбор т.к. с первого взгляда дизайн шаблона приятен глазу, он минималистичен, в нем нет ничего лишнего. Так же цветовая схема шаблона идеально подходила под мои задачи. Я фрилансер и когда мне попадаются шаблоны с подобными качествами, я всегда им рад. Клиент остался очень доволен готовым сайтом, созданным на основе этого шаблона. Этот шаблон подходит как для новичков, так и для опытных фрилансеров и разработчиков. Спасибо ребятам из Templatemonster, не первый раз покупаю шаблон и пользуюсь сервисом, отличная техническая поддержка, которая моментально ответит на все интересующие вопросы. Остаюсь с Templatemonster! :)

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