Hotel WordPress-thema - Luvianna
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Strak en elegant ontwerp van Hotel WordPress Theme - Luvianna maakt dit thema geschikt voor verschillende horecagelegenheden zoals hotels, pensions, bnbs, hostels, resorts of herbergen. Het thema wordt mogelijk gemaakt door de MotoPress Hotel Booking-plug-in - een alles-in-één reserveringssysteem voor uw WordPress-site.
Hierdoor kunnen uw gasten de beschikbaarheid van uw hotelkamers online controleren en in realtime boeken.
WordPress 5.0-thema
Het Luviana Hotel Booking-thema werkt naadloos binnen WordPress 5.0+ en is vanaf de basis opgebouwd voor de WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg). Profiteer optimaal van de nieuwe standaardeditor en bouw een site voor uw hotel zonder dat er codering aan te pas komt.
Gebouwd met Getwid
We hebben de demo van dit thema gebouwd met behulp van de Getwid-plug-in - een gratis bibliotheek met extra blokken voor Gutenberg . Enkele van de blokken die door Getwid worden geleverd zijn: Bannerblok, Image Slider-blokken, Advanced Heading-blok, Testimonial-blok, Instagram Feed-blok en nog veel meer. Je bent vrij om ook de extra blokken te gebruiken en het uiterlijk van elke pagina of post eenvoudig aan te passen in het Luviana-thema.
Geïntegreerd online boekingssysteem (gratis toegevoegd)
Geen commissies of abonnementskosten meer per boeking: maak een overzicht van uw hotelkamers op uw eigen WordPress-site en laat uw gasten deze rechtstreeks bij u boeken. U krijgt volledige controle over uw hotelreserveringssysteem en bent vrij om prijzen of aangepaste boekingsregels in te stellen.
Geautomatiseerd en handmatig boekingsbeheer
Kies uit drie manieren om binnenkomende reserveringen te verwerken:
- automatisch reserveringen bevestigen na betaling;
- stuur automatisch e-mails met boekingsbevestigingslinks naar uw gasten;
- beoordeel en keur boekingen handmatig goed of weiger ze via de backend van uw site.
Online en offline betalingen
Laat uw gasten veilig online of bij aankomst betalen. Online betalingen worden afgehandeld via 6 betrouwbare betalingsgateways: PayPal, Stripe, Beanstream/Bambora, Braintree en 2Checkout.
U kunt optioneel onze aangepaste WooCommerce Payments-add-on aanschaffen om het aantal betalingsgateways voor uw hotelsite uit te breiden.
Kanaalmanager voor boekingen
Met iCal-synchronisatieondersteuning kunt u de beschikbaarheid van uw kamers via meerdere kanalen bijwerken, dus als uw hotel op externe boekingsplatforms zoals Expedia,, Airbnb of iets dergelijks staat, kunt u er zeker van zijn dat u beschermd bent tegen dubbele reserveringen. Het tweerichtingssynchronisatieproces kan zowel automatisch als handmatig zijn.
Belastingen en heffingen
Wees eerlijk tegen uw klanten over alle belastingen of servicekosten die u int. Met het ingebouwde reserveringssysteem van het Luviana-thema kunt u belastingen of toeslagen met aangepaste namen aanmaken en deze bij het afrekenen weergeven in de uitsplitsing van de boekingsprijs.
Demo-import met één klik
Zorg ervoor dat de voorbeeldgegevens van het thema automatisch op uw site worden geïnstalleerd met de demo-importeur met één klik die bij deze WordPress-hotelsjabloon wordt geleverd.
Meer kenmerken van Hotel WordPress Thema Luviana:
- 2 bloglay-outs: klassiek één kolom en raster
- Ondersteuning voor berichtformaten
- Aanmeldingsformulier nieuwsbrief
- Terug naar boven-functionaliteit
- SEO-geoptimaliseerde opmaak
- Compatibel met meerdere browsers
- Volledig responsief
- Netvlies klaar
- Vertaling klaar
- WPML-compatibel
- Uitgebreide documentatie
- Volledig ondersteund: ticketsysteem, livechat, e-mail.
Nog meer voordelen van het ingebouwde hotelboekingssysteem
- Realtime beschikbaarheidskalenders voor kamers
- Beschikbaarheidsformulier voor zoeken in realtime
- Seizoensgebonden en variabele prijzen
- Nachtelijke, wekelijkse en maandelijkse tarieven
- Vooraf te boeken extra diensten en arrangementen
- Gepersonaliseerde kortingsbonnen
- E-mailsjablonen voor beheerders en klanten
- Reservering van meerdere kamers tijdens één boekingssessie
- Gratis video-tutorials op YouTube
- Vertaald in 14 talen.
= 1.5.0, Jun 18 2024 =
- Hotel Booking plugin updated to version 4.11.2.
= 1.4.3, Feb 15 2024 =
- Hotel Booking plugin updated to version 4.8.8.
= 1.4.2, Feb 10 2023 =
- Hotel Booking plugin updated to version 4.6.0.
- Added the possibility for clients to select the check-in and check-out date directly in the availability calendar.
- Added an error message to the booking form to notify clients when an accommodation ID is not found.
- Added coupon settings for early bird and last minute discounts.
- Added the possibility to view the information about imported bookings in the admin calendar after clicking on a particular booking.
- Added the price display in the availability calendar for non check-in dates.
- Limited the number of adults and children selectable in the form to match an accommodation’s capacity for bookings directly from the accommodation page.
- Removed the maximum limit for the adults and children capacity in the variable pricing rate settings.
- Fixed a database bug related to customer and user data selection.
- Fixed an issue with assigning an accommodation type upon the accommodation creation.
- Fixed an issue with calculating prices in the availability calendars for overlapping seasons.
- Improved the plugin compatibility with PHP 8.2.
- Minor style improvements.
= 1.4.1, Jan 17 2023 =
- Improved compatibility with PHP 8.
= 1.4.0, Dec 5 2022 =
- Hotel Booking plugin updated to version 4.5.0.
- Added support for displaying prices in the availability calendars of individual accommodations.
- Added the ability to create a percentage fee, which applies to the accommodation cost.
- Improved the color-coding for dates in the availability calendar to better show days unavailable for check-in or check-out. Note for developers: This update might affect styles of the availability calendar in your themes or projects. Please update your code.
- Improved the color-coding for dates in the admin calendar to better show booked and blocked days.
- Fixed an issue with selecting a check-out day on a day that is not allowed to stay.
- Fixed an issue with the session data security.
- Optimized the asset loading in the admin panel for REST API.
- Fixed an error of creating coupon codes in REST API.
- Fixed an error with the availability search when one of the accommodations was blocked. Applies for REST API and the mobile app.
- Minor style improvements.
= 1.3.0, Sep 13 2022 =
- Hotel Booking plugin updated to version 4.4.1.
- Implemented REST API. This will give developers more extensive control over the plugin data, help integrate third-party services, and build new frontend experiences for Hotel Booking in WordPress.
- Added the new Hotel Manager and Hotel Worker user roles that define access to the Hotel Booking plugin settings and menus. Note: you might need to change user roles you used before this update.
- Added the user area for customers that allows them to log in, view bookings and speed up reservations with pre-populated info at checkout. Website admins can set the plugin to create user accounts automatically or let customers create ones manually.
- Improved booking export report.
- Improved backend booking calendar.
- Improved support for several Hotel Booking addons.
- Fixed several translation related issues.
- Fixed an issue with dates being available for selection while direct booking despite not check-in or not check-out booking rules are applied to certain accommodation types.
- Fixed an issue with defining the number of blocked accommodation types within certain booking rules.
- Fixed an issue with the maximum stay rule of specific accommodation type that was also applied to other accommodation types.
- Minor bugfixes and improvements.
- Minor style improvements.
= 1.2.4, Sep 24 2021 =
- Added the Getwid plugin to the theme package.
= 1.2.3, Aug 9 2021 =
- Hotel Booking plugin updated to version 3.9.10.
- New feature: added the option to display information about tax and fee charges additionally to the base property rate on the frontend.
- New feature: the revenue chart (beta version).
- Added a new payment status Canceled.
- Added the ability to enable a two-step booking cancelation process that requires users to confirm their booking cancelation request on the external page.
- Added the ability to disable booking rules when adding bookings on the backend manually.
- Added a new color for the external bookings in the Bookings calendar.
- Improved the user experience with the calendar datepicker on mobile devices.
- Fixed an issue with displaying the number of bookings for secondary language versions in the WPML plugin.
- Added the ability to sort accommodations by price in the accommodations listing.
- Minor style improvements.
= 1.2.2, Mar 12 2021 =
- Added a header layout variation for the Accommodation page.
- Added the ability to turn on a sticky menu.
- Added the "back to top" button.
- Hotel Booking plugin updated to version 3.9.5.
- Added the ability to set the Booking Buffer option.
- Added the ability to set Advance Reservation: the minimum number of days allowed before booking and the maximum number of days available for future bookings.
- Added the ability to resend the confirmation email for a booking.
- Added the ability to create internal notes for a booking visible for site admins only.
- Added the ability to edit existing bookings: you can now update check-in and check-out dates, rates, services, etc., as well as add, replace, or remove accommodations in the original bookings.
- Added the ability to set the number of days prior to the check-in date applicable for applying deposits.
- Stripe API updated to version 7.72.0.
- Improved compatibility with the image lazy-loading feature.
- Bug fix: fixed an issue that may cause errors in Sucuri and WP Mail SMTP plugins.
- Bug fix: fixed an issue with payments via Stripe when amount of transaction was not calculated properly.
- Bug fix: fixed an issue when an accommodation became unavailable for assignment to its accommodation type after renaming.
- Minor bugfixes and improvements.
= 1.2.1, Jan 15 2020 =
- Improved the front-page slideshow performance.
= 1.2.0, Jan 13 2020 =
- Added the ability to setup video as a first slide for front-page slideshow.
- Added the ability to change primary colors.
- Minor bugfixes and improvements.
= 1.1.0, Nov 18 2019 =
- Added ability to setup front-page slideshow settings in Customizer.
- Added editor styles for Hotel Booking editor blocks.
- Minor bugfixes and improvements.
- Hotel Booking plugin updated to version 3.7.1.
- Improved blocks compatibility with the new versions of the Gutenberg editor.
- Added customer email address to the Stripe payment details.
- Fixed an issue where the price breakdown was not displayed in the new booking emails.
- Fixed an issue at checkout when coupon discount was not applied to the total price at the bottom of the page.
- Fixed a bug concerning impossibility to complete Stripe payment after applying the coupon code.
- Fixed an issue where the type of the coupon code was changed after its use.
- Improved the "Booking Confirmed" page with regard to displaying information on client's booking and payment in case the booking is paid online. Follow the prompts to update the content of the "Booking Confirmed" page automatically or apply the changes manually.
- Added the new email tag, which allows guests to visit their booking details page directly from the email. Important: you need to update your email templates to start using this functionality.
- New actions and filters were added for developers.
- Fixed the issue at checkout when a variable price was not applied if capacity is disabled in plugin settings.
- Added Direct Bank Transfer as a new payment gateway.
- Added the ability to delete ical synchronization logs automatically.
- Added new intervals for importing bookings through the ical "Quarter an Hour" and "Half an Hour".
- The user information is no longer required while creating a booking in the admin panel. You can enable it again in the settings.
- Added new tags for email templates: Price Breakdown, Country, State, City, Postcode, Address, Full Guest Name.
- Added the ability to select the accommodation type while duplicating rates.
- Improvement: now if the accommodation type size is not set, the field will not be displayed on the website.
- Implemented bookings synchronization with Expedia travel booking website.
- Updated PayPal and Stripe payment integrations to comply with PSD2 and the SCA requirements.
- Added the ability to receive payments through Bancontact, iDEAL, Giropay, SEPA Direct Debit and SOFORT payment gateways via the updated Stripe API.
= 1.0, July 2019 =
- Initial release
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