Styler 2 PrestaShop-tema

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shoppingBag Försäljning: 132

Created: 31 maj 2017

Updated: 13 dec. 2021

ID: 63988

og体育首页ONE - Obegränsad nedladdning för 12.40$/mån

500k artiklar | Kommersiell användning License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Gå med för att Ladda ned denna artikel  kostnadsfritt
Styler 2 PrestaShop-tema - Features Image 1Styler 2 PrestaShop-tema - Features Image 2Styler 2 PrestaShop-tema - Features Image 3Styler 2 PrestaShop-tema - Features Image 4Styler 2 PrestaShop-tema - Features Image 5Styler 2 PrestaShop-tema - Features Image 6Styler 2 PrestaShop-tema - Features Image 7Styler 2 PrestaShop-tema - Features Image 8


Styler2 (December 10, 2021):

  • Update modules for PrestaShop 1.7.8.x version.

Styler2 (August 03, 2021):

  • Fixed Faceted Search module.

Styler2 (April 13, 2021):

  • Updated jxblog, jxdaydeal, jxgooglemap, jxheaderaccount, jxsearch, jxwishlist, sampledatainstall modules for PrestaShop 1.7.7.x version.
  • JX Mega Layout module is compatible with PrestaShop 1.7.7.x version in the \updates\update after sample data install is completed\ folder.

12 Reviews for this product

Ten projekt graficzny w końcu dał mi wiele możliwości. Po pierwsze łatwość w wyszukiwaniu produktów, po drugie, piękny wizualnie. Nie zacina się przy dodawaniu produktów. Miałem wiele projektów graficznych ale ten jest moim ulubionym. Bardzo dobrze dopracowany. Jest dostosowany do wersji 1.6 i 1.7 prestashop. Moim zdaniem jesli nie wiesz który projekt wybrać wybierz właśnie ten. Ta odsłona sklepu cały czas się aktualizuje przez projektanta. Szybka osbługa techniczna, która dba o Ciebie.
Troppo faticoso costruire tutto da zero? Divi va incontro anche ai più pigri o a chi ha poco tempo, mettendo a disposizione dei template già pronti per le headers e i footer, gli articoli e le pagine prodotto, le pagine categoria, e perfino la pagina 404 personalizzata. Ancora troppo faticoso? E va bene! Puoi usare i Theme Builder Demo, cioè dei pacchetti completi che includono header e footer, pagina prodotto, pagina articolo, pagina categoria e pagina 404. Naturalmente, tutto è completamente personalizzabile, quindi potrai installare il tuo sito demo e poi aggiustarlo a tuo piacimento.
no support for ps_facetedsearch greater than 3.0, template can't be used for professional prestashop websites because of that.
Thank you for your feedback. You need to use the corresponding faceted search module, depending on your PrestaShop version. PrestaShop is compatible with Faceted Search 2.2.1 only - it is not template related. There is no need to have the latest module version for its proper work. 2.2.1 version is stable and is working properly.
Very Fine Website. Template og体育首页 always delivers. A+++++++
Its a beautyful template, very easy to install, and the pictures is so great

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