SEOmix - SEO Company WordPress Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 37

Created: Nov 13, 2017

Updated: Nov 13, 2017

ID: 65926

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

480k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
SEOmix - SEO Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 1SEOmix - SEO Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 2SEOmix - SEO Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 3SEOmix - SEO Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 4SEOmix - SEO Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 5SEOmix - SEO Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 6SEOmix - SEO Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 7

Are you going to provide SEO services? Then this theme is a right choice for you. The design is simple. But the settings allow you to fully customize it to your taste. You can change the color gamma, upload your logo, change the title of the main page. Text materials are displayed using good typography. And you probably know that modern audience on the Internet is becoming more and more demanding to graphic elements. Nobody pays attention to sites of poor quality. The SEOmix theme allows you to use all the chips of modern web design. The main advantage is the ability to adapt the theme to any mobile

2 Reviews for this product

Gostei muito do Tema e de sua aplicação para agências de marketing digital. Site clean, moderno e com muitas aplicações em diferentes áreas. Quero poder usa-lo como referencia em outros projetos que tenho. Meu único senão, é pelo fato de não poder testar a velocidade de carregamento, antes da compra. Ele carrega vários plugins que ainda não avaliei se realmente é necessário, além de exigir downloads de outras ferramentas que se instalam no Menu do Wordpress. Quero analisar como ficará o carregamento do site e das páginas para ter uma conclusao. No mais, indico.
Отличный шаблон, легко установил, все понятно. рекомендую!!!

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Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
